Thursday, December 20, 2007
However, we are in the process of getting a serving organised for Saturday afternoon. If anyone has any suggestions on places we should serve and kitchens we can use let us know quick!
In the meantime, check back soon to see if we update with news of a serving.
Friday, December 14, 2007
call out: FNB vic park campout (21st - 23rd dec 07)

Sydney Food Not Bombs is having a big camp out from 4pm Fri 21st 'til Sun 23rd Dec 07 at the Aboriginal Tent Embassy in Victoria Park. We are having a music night and a film night with workshops during the day.
Come and support Australia's Indigenous peoples' plight for recognition and sovereignty. Bring a sleeping bag and tent + other camping gear, cos Food Not Bombs is gonna have an amazing cook-up!!!
If you'd like to perform on the music night (Sat 22nd), or do a workshop (Sat and Sun), then sling us an email: sydfoodnotbombs at gmail dot com. If you need help with camping gear then let us know cos we have spares =).
Check out our blog for updates and info: http://sydfoodnotbombs.blogspot
Friday, November 30, 2007
Community Response to Sexual Assault: International Day of Action
day of workshops! : night of fun!
An event to celebrate action against sexual assault
1st December, 197 Wilson st Newtown @ stucco
1pm-workshop, 'Safer Spaces'- why we need to create safer spaces &
practical skillshare
3pm-workshop, 'Consent'- talking about boundries, language and how
consent is fun!
Stop the Silence poster project launch - heaps of posters available to
take home and poster your local area!!
pics from the day:

Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
National day of action against the invasion of the NT
The Block in Redfern
Wear Red. bring your banners. flags. your (angry) mob.. grrr. and packed lunches!
March from The Block to Victoria Park where more is happening!
- Restore the Racial Discrimination Act
- Remove Commonwealth “Mission” Managers
- No cuts to Community Development Employment Projects (CDEP)
- Fund community controlled services, not troops and bureaucrats
- End racist welfare quarantines
Speakers from affected NT communities – find out what’s really going on that you’re not being told!!
We write this in solidarity with Indigenous groups who have organised this rally. We want to bring as much of our mob as possible in support of these communities.
If the government, cops and general workings of the Australian state can be so damaging to indigenous people and communities, they can just as easily turn on any other community – women, immigrants, workers, queers, or anybody else.
We work together not (exclusively) out of our good nature, but because we’re interested in seeing the dismantling of the system of privilege and power which works against so many people and for so few.
We will serve at Victoria Park after the march and also hold a discussion for the organisation of a mass camp out action at the Tent Embassy within the next few weeks.
If you wanna get involved, email us about it!
Friday, November 9, 2007
International Food Not Bombs Action Day
Saturday November 10, 2pm
@ Aboriginal Tent Embassy, Victoria Park
This action is done in coordination with a number of other FNB groups all over the world and it is "International FNB Action Day!". Read More:
On November 13, 2005 in St. Petersburg, Russian nazis killed 20 year old Timur Kacharava - a student, a musician, an antifascist, our comrade. Timur was attacked on his way from a "Food Not Bombs" action : he served out free vegetarian food to the homeless and people in need.
Today, this FOOD NOT BOMBS global action is devoted to Timur's memory and is taking place in a lot of different countries such as Belarus, France, Russia, UK, Lithuania, Ukraine, USA, Australia...
We are serving food for those who are in need on the streets, in our cities and towns. We want to call your attention to the nazi problem which exists at the moment - and which governments of some countries prefer to ignore. Timur and other people were killed by nazis right in the centres of big cities.
FOOD NOT BOMBS was created during the 80's in the USA as part of the anti-nuclear movement. Now we are everywhere.
FOOD NOT BOMBS : Self-organised groups who are for solidarity, vegetarianism and anti-fascism all over the world.
Daily you pass people who do not have the essentials to live. Why is this happening? Who is profiting from this? Why is nothing changing? We know that if you want to change something - you have to act. We're sure that everybody can act. Today a lot of people will read this leaflet - in different languages – around the whole word.
Tomorrow is a new day and what it will be like depends on you.
On us. On everybody.
As well as the international focus of this event being on resistance to fascism, our action will also have the local focus of our government's occupation of Aboriginal communities across Australia.
Like always, if you want to get involved, just send us an email.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Nov 3: The People's Blockade of the World's Biggest Coal Port
The People's Blockade of the World's Biggest Coal Mine
Saturday 3rd November, 10am onwards
Horseshoe Beach, Newcastle
More info:
Friday, October 26, 2007
Reclaim the Night - Friday October 26
Reclaim the Night
26 October 2007, 7.00pm
Town Hall to Hyde Park
Followed by the Festival of Women
What is RTN?
From their site:
Reclaim the night is an annual march to help raise awareness and stop violence against women. Reclaim the Night is a world wide event occurring in cities and rural areas aroung the globe.
Demand a world where women can live free of fear of violence.
RTN Sydney is a women's march that hopes to empower women to speak out against violence while raising awareness in the community. If men attend they will be asked to march at the back behind the women!More info:
Monday, October 8, 2007
Oppose Nuclear at Sydney Uni
Public meeting and film screening
Oppose proposed Institute of Nuclear Science for Sydney University.
Holme Reading Room – Sydney University
Film: Australian Atomic Confessions
To get involved in cooking/serving/washing up please contact us at More info on the Maralinga tests and the forum below.
In 1956-57 the arid rangelands of South Australia were subject to the detonation of nine major nuclear bombs, and many smaller bomb trials, as part of the British atomic weapons testing program at Maralinga and Emu Field. The establishment of Woomera had forged close military links between Australia and Britain and the Australian government barely questioned the nature and effects of nuclear tests. To carry out the tests thousands of Maralinga, Pitjantjatjara and Kokatha people were forcibly removed from their land by 'Aboriginal Protectors'. Maralinga was a direct act of genocide. Nuclear weapons contain radioactive substances poisonous for up to 250 000 years and contaminate land and water systems. The radioactive exposure of the tests was extensive as dense radioactive clouds travelled far and caused much sickness and death of surrounding communities. Traditional owners speak of the black mist that caused blindness and cancer. The area remains unsafe for habitation for 250 000 years and testifies once again to the nuclear industry’s responsibility for direct and indirect acts of genocide upon indigenous communities.
Institute of Nuclear Science
On August 22, the Vice-Chancellor announced the proposal of an Institute of Nuclear Science, in partnership with the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation at Sydney University. This will be the first such centre since the 1980s and will be critical in facilitating the development of a nuclear industry in Australia.
This forum will discuss the reasons for opposing Howard’s nuclear push, as well as those for rejecting the proposed Institute. These range from the fact that nuclear is too slow and too expensive to be any solution to climate change, to the lack of any safe way to dispose of nuclear waste after 50 years of research.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
birthday madness!
- pumpkin soup
- spicy pumpkin n zucchini mash
- fresh gigantic bean salsa
- apple sponge pie
- pear flan
thursday sept 20th
6.30pm @ uts
(couches at entrance to tower building)