Wednesday, May 14, 2008

FNB lives!

thanks to all who came down to the collective meeting! good to know kids are still keen!!!

we'll be continuing our fortnightly servings on the corner of king and forbes streets in newtown. the next one will be THIS saturday the 17th of may from 4.30pm. come down for some free, delish, vegan chow! if you'd like to get involved in food collection (ie dumpstering) or cooking drop us a line at: sydfoodnotbombs @ gmail . com OR head over to our forum:

we have some exciting events coming up:
  • climate camp film screening: june 14th @ jura books from 2pm
  • fnb film: the history and theory of food not bombs, including ace footage from the early days of fnb in the usa and some totes awes scenes of actions!
  • fundraising show! sometime in june, more deets to follow!
also, HUGE thanks to at the vanishing point art gallery for donating a massive 10 kg bag of potatoes to the cause!!! whoot whoo!

stay involved!

xxx trini