Monday, February 25, 2008

Wish List

we rely entirely on donations - whether it be time from volunteers or produce for cooking. here are some things we need:

* large pots (diameter at least 15inches / 30cm diameter)
* frying pans (especially non-stick)
* cooking utensils (wooden spoons, ladles, serving spoons, tongs, etc)
* baking trays (flat and with sides)
* colander
* can opener (not rusty!)
* veggie peelers
* knife sharpener / sharp knives
* chopping boards
* containers for transporting food (sealable lids)
* mixing bowls
* whisk
* blender or food processor
* pepper / salt grinder
* tables that fold (the camping kind)

if you know anyone giving these away (or you yourself have some spare), snatch it up for us and give us a bell at cheers!

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